For better or worse, the Overwatch fandom has felt integral to the game since it arrived in May 2016. According to Fandometrics, Overwatch attracted nearly 150 million engagements on Tumblr throughout 2017, making it not only the most popular videogame on the site, but also more popular than every TV show and film by a wide margin. That sure is a lot of fan art.
Blizzard have always been keen to interact with the fandom, too. The developers have embraced ‘gremlin D.Va’ - a meme-ified version of D.Va that embodies all negative gamer stereotypes, including chugging down litres of Mountain Dew and bags of Doritos - by immortalising it as an in-game emote. Jeff Kaplan, the director of Overwatch, has even revealed what his favourite fan-made ‘ships’ are.
Get to know one of the Overwatch League's stars "scary" journey to the top.

Now, with the Overwatch League well into its second season, and viewership numbers looking steady, fans are finding new ways to get attention. Those who watch the matches live from inside the stadium make and brandish their own hand-made signs.
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