pondělí 15. ledna 2018

Riot have released a new League of Legends cinematic ahead of the new ranked season

Riot Games have released a new League of Legends cinematic to celebrate the start of the new ranked season, which begins tomorrow. The new video, titled The Climb, shows several champions attempting to make their way through hordes of enemies.

Stay up to date with the League of Legends patch 8.2 notes.

The Climb

Beginning with Yasuo, The Climb then switches focus to Taliyah, showing off a fantastic Weaver’s Wall. From Shurima, the action heads to the mean streets of Zaun, with Ekko getting a literal helping hand from Blitzcrank. Miss Fortune and Illaoi are the next champions to appear, before an epic showdown between Thresh and Lucian. It’s maybe the best cinematic Riot have ever produced, so you should check it out above.


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